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Human Resources Office
(852) 3442 9250
(852) 3442 0311
(852) 2788 1154
Office Hours
Mon - Fri:
8:45 a.m. - 5:50 p.m.
17/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building,
City University of HK,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, HK
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Current Openings
All Departments
College of Business
Economics and Finance
Information Systems
College of Computing
Computer Science
Data Science
College of Engineering
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Chinese and History
Linguistics and Translation
Media and Communication
Public and International Affairs
Social and Behavioural Sciences
College of Science
Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
School of Creative Media
School of Energy and Environment
School of Law
Academic Faculty and Teaching Positions
Screening Date / Closing Date
Consultant/Visiting Fellow
School of Energy and Environment
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Management
Part-time Lecturer
Department of Management
Teaching Consultant/Visiting Fellow
Department of Management
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Instructor I/Instructor II
Department of Decision Analytics and Operations
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Teaching Consultant
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Instructor I/Instructor II
Department of Accountancy
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Media and Communication
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of English
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor in Veterinary Pathology/Associate Professor in Veterinary Pathology/Assistant Professor in Veterinary Pathology (Anatomic or Clinical)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Teaching Consultant (Student Learning Advisor)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Teaching Consultant/Visiting Fellow
Department of Information Systems
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Veterinary Clinical Pathology)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Equine Practice or Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Chinese Language and Literature)
Department of Chinese and History
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Instructor I/Instructor II
Department of Information Systems
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Social Work and Counselling)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow (Social Work and Counselling)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Accountancy
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
School of Law
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor (Housing Policy/Urban Governance/Smart Cities)
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Veterinary Anatomy)
Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing/Experimental Linguistics)
Department of Linguistics and Translation
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow (Psychology)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Structural Materials)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow/Instructor I/Instructor II
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Ocean Science/Water Research)
School of Energy and Environment
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Teaching Consultant
Department of Media and Communication
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow (Criminology/Crime Sciences Discipline)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers
Department of Data Science
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor of Practice (Social Work Discipline)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers (Economics)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers (Finance)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow/Instructor I/Instructor II (Economics)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow/Instructor I/Instructor II (Finance)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Visiting Professor/Visiting Associate Professor/Visiting Assistant Professor/Visiting Fellow (Economics)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Visiting Professor/Visiting Associate Professor/Visiting Assistant Professor/Visiting Fellow (Finance)
Department of Economics and Finance
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Visiting Fellow/Consultant (Fieldwork Co-ordinator)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Part-time Lecturers
Department of Media and Communication
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor (English Applied Linguistics)
Department of English
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor [English Literary and Cultural Studies/Associate Professor [English Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern Literature)]
Department of English
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Crime Science)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Senior Teaching Fellow/Teaching Fellow/Instructor I/Instructor II
School of Creative Media
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Virology)
Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Expanded Curation)
School of Creative Media
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Veterinary Education)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
School of Law
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Diagnostic Imaging)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor (International Relations/International Organisation/International Development)
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor (Political Philosophy/Ethics)
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor (Political Science/Governance)
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor (Public Administration and Policy)
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Visiting Fellow
Department of Public and International Affairs
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Interactive Digital Art)
School of Creative Media
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Operations and Business Statistics)
Department of Decision Analytics and Operations
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Data Science
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Systems Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Biostatistics)
Department of Biostatistics
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Ophthalmology)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Animation)
School of Creative Media
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Small Animal Surgery)
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Pharmacology)
Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Film and New Media)
School of Creative Media
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled
Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Applications will be considered until the position(s) is/are filled